Did you know that 1 in 6 women experience economic abuse in DV?

Did you know that 1 in 6 women experience economic abuse perpetrated by their intimate partners?

Would love to have more discussions around financial abuse and how this impacted on your ability to leave dv, changes to how you view money and use money, how this has impacted on your ability to 'get ahead' in your career and personal life, ways that it has you protecting your assets, resources and all things lurking behind the money mind scenes.

Would love to chat with those impacted if you are keen so I can learn more ways to support you and craft offers to help you heal and move into positive wealth generators send me a PM if interested - not selling just market research!!

I will happily exchange a FREE energy healing session around 30 minutes in exchange for your valuable time.

Business Mums do you want your soul expression to magnetise your ideal clients read on...

Bold, creative, ambitious and sensitive Business Mums are often, tapping me on my shoulder in DMs, through my networks or in my socials to learn more about self-care, authentic expression and making money doing what they love (their gifts and contributions to the world).

I am not a business coach but I love supporting women to live life on their own terms.

I am not a marketing strategist but I love helping women to shine with authenticity and attract ideal clients through expression
(you know, the ones that actually buy from you).

I have noticed many women with incredible modalities, highly skilled, and experiences that far exceed my own waffling around in hobby mindset, making next to nothing in exchanges that are of a low vibration and feeling unfulfilled.

It is part of my genius to intuit a greater version for your future self on a timeline that fosters high value business adventures, supports you to share more of your authentic expression to others, can teach you about magnetism with energy plus, get rid of the crap that keeps you acting small, convenient and not generating profit with trauma informed mentorship.

We are coming into a period to be bold, courageous and LEAD our lives with passion.

This is the perfect phase for the "Authentic Business Creation" signature solution.

A Start Up injection for an energetic business alignment!!

This is an offering for upcoming Heart-based Entrepreneurs, Business Mums and Budding Healers, Coaches and Wellness practitioners.

So if you have had these outdated stories trying to keep you small and insignificant for far too long:

"I know I am intuitive but not sure what to do next or how to utilise this"
"No one wants to buy from me"
"I've been doing this for so long...my clients' won't like this change."
"I'm scared to put myself out there."
"I always sabotage my growth."
"Will I get sick if I push too many offerings and build this business?"
"I haven't got enough experience"
"Is this really of value?"
"I've tried business before will this be any different?"
"Who are I to offer this to the world?"

These are part of the process that can happen when birthing into the renewal of YOU and the business entity as an energetic container for your soul expression.

An active shed of the old versions of self that no longer serve and the recalibration of expansion.

Authentic business creation is a 12 week online pathway that will to take you from uncertainty to integral delivery without losing yourself in overwhelm, burnout or sickness, hiding from being seen, clamming up from other's judgements, or having your energetic sensitivity stopping you from interacting with others so that YOU can truly embody your authority and be paid for it.

If you are a women that has a calling to serve, to build a business, or has started a business but it's not fitting with who you are AND been plagued with doubt, high stress levels & your anxiety is through the roof then click below to jump on a chat - I can send you more information on the Authentic Business Creation solution that will have you on the perfect track to blossom into the next 3 months with bold clarity, attraction and authenticity too.

Business is liberating!!

Roaring into the Authentic Business Creation Pathway

Celebrating a new powerhouse Business Mama jumping in with both feet for a new pathway designed around authentic expression, divine feminine energetic magnetism and making money!!

So EXCITED to witness results and deliver!!

I absolutely love to create meaningful connections with transparency through the heart.

All the signs were there that we would be working together. Now, I get to serve her with full presence, resources, all my lived experiences as an entrepreneur (yip, during covid with successes, crying in the corner, burnout, resilience, magical offers and VISION), holistic health tools, strategies, and intuitive wisdom to support her biz growth.

If you are interested in expressing your magic with heart AND to do so aligned with your purpose hit me up in DMs to chat -- business is liberating!!

Thankful, I get to have fun with others that are sensitive strivers, passionate, heart-based and ambitious.

#spiritualentrepreneurs #womenempoweringwomen #womenentrepreneurs #onlineandinperson #womeninbusiness #divinefeminine #spiritualjourney #soul

Spoiler Alert: This happens frequently on your Spiritual Journey...

Okay ladies, sit down and grab a cuppa with me so we can chat about changes...

There's an extremely awkward stage of growth that happens as you upgrade and recalibrate from awakenings/transformations/rebirths and I'm knee deep in it.

Sloshing around in all the emotions as I feel my way to a new version of me.

Disorienting my sense of safety, questioning what is okay and generally, just wanting to apologise for being this "uncomfortable" person in the throes of change.

You know, when all that exertion and fighting to free your wings is taking place before you can fly with power.

Spoiler alert

These take place quite frequently on the spiritual journey when you travel along your path and start to bring awareness to that which is keeping you stuck in ways that no longer serve you.

There's four key ways in which I flop around in the strange in-between stages that will help you too.

1. Take breaks from Social media. The noise of information and feedback can drown out the inner voice. This is the guidance that will build trust in your capacity to grow through any challenge in life.

2. Lean into intimacy and connection with your loved ones, family, friends, animal companions and mentors. We can create reference points to anchor in on your grid as you twist and turn in this necessary stage of change.

3. Don't lean into the easy and convenient route of the false self. The one that masquerades and performs for others to guard your heart. It is through the heart that you will blossom quickly as you connect and share with authentic expression.

4. Learn more about yourself through mentors, guides and leaders that can take you through self-explorative practices and creates space for you to deepen into who you are.

If you are seeking guidance to your soul wisdom that's how I help professional women. Specifically, to learn to listen to your inner voice by getting rid of old survival modes, discovering more about loving all parts of you with radical acceptance and having a laugh along the way.

Abusive Relationships BE GONE!!

Successfully, left abusive relationships to learn more about loving ME!!

Celebrating that 10 years ago I left the first of a few toxic relationships.

It took me a few turns before I remembered that:

I am the director of my life.

I am the hero of my journey.

I am the leader in this wild adventure called life.

This morning, in my meditation my life force energy was an unrelenting waterfall cascading down within me. All the energy was pooling in the base of my womb space.

You know these last few days, I have been off kilter constantly calling parts of my soul back into my being. Noticing that the fear of past interactions had shoo-ed them away to keep these old survival patterns running in the background.

If you have experienced the power plays and reaching energetic grasp as someone attempts to control, dictate and manipulate you to get their own way and what they want; you will understand there are different ways you have reacted to this threat.

Your heart tries to flee noticing the exits, and planning out each escape route. Coward.

Your heart gets spiky and you actively put up shields to "prevent" any dominance from impacting on your essence - attack first, think later. Aggro-beast.

Your heart has had enough and needs a break so you switch it off. Left my body, nothing can harm me. No-body.

Your heart just wants peace so you cave in on what you truly feel, want and need for safety. You fold. Shameful acquiescence. Pitiful.

I love all the ways my heart twists and shapes itself because I bought me, right here and now.

Waterfalls of courage, unstoppable, flowing strength without fear of falling deeper into ME.

Moving through all the murky aspects of self and connecting with the power of my soul reminds me of the purpose that I create from within.

If you resonate with my story and you know that you are ready to deeply love the person staring back at you in the mirror, learn healthy strategies to transform pain into purpose, and move away from fear to empowerment then I can guide you to do so.

Passionate about supporting you to self-heal, to transform, to succeed and bravely show your full heart again. It's time.

Chat with me.