Grasping onto others, thoughts, objects and outcomes is counter-intuitive to creating with a greater power than you.
Attempting to control the outcome for all your desires, dreams and manifestations actually, closes down opportunities for the mysterious mechanism of the Universe to co-create from the wider perspective of the highest good of all.
Learning to surrender is bloody challenging.
It seems to occur in stages...that all meet up with an awareness that you are focused on the HOW of each detail in the plan.
After recognising that you are attempting to manipulate all the elements of your creations to form in this SPECIFIC way, in this time frame and involving designated people you can embrace...
the utter sacredness of embracing what you are NOT in control of.
- it sounds crazy, right. But, we have absolutely no control over genetics, the body that hosts us, other people, divine interventions and so on and so on.
It ceases to create resistance when we form more acceptance that there's no need to struggle, wrangle and fight against it.
There is an inherent inability to control...anything.
This is not victim mentality but rather rather an empowering process to redirect your actions on SOULFUL expression and direction.
Lately, I have been micromanaging the details of HOW everything is going to pan out to get xyz.
It creeps up slowly like an insidious beast with long tentacles that holds everything so tightly to my chest while others are forcibly pulling strings with the other legs -- growth has no room to create diddly squat, manifestations stall, roadblocks arrive because others do not have the freedom to do as they are.
There's no chance for any magic to happen when the fear makes your mind close down avenues for the third pathway to miraculously appear, the heart gripped with unease and thus, turning AWAY from connection, your soul quietened are working it all out, argh!!
I'll be doing a live in my group to speak into this and relay strategies to support release.
You are welcome to join if you are a businesswomen that is interested in meditation, creativity, healing and are on a spiritual journey link in bio or comments