Ambitious Women in Business LOVE to work with me because...

Ambitious women in business love working with me because I give them full permission to ask for what they want.

They recognise that to have crystal clear vision and to normalise their desired outcomes as the obvious next step in their journey only brings them more intrinsic motivation to suceed.

Success is a foregone conclusion to those that actively, release old patterns from the past, learn to manage stress to be present to what is, and take conscious action to co-create their reality.

On the lookout for the next incredible being that has hit stumbling blocks on their path.

These hurdles look like:

Excessive energetic output in the guise of loving service.

For example: NFP owners that are not exemplifying self love amd care as you expand and have become the martyr for the cause.

CEOs that are struggling to prioritise your health because you HAVE TO do it all in your organisatuon and are noticing manifestations of stress like headaches, dizziness, decision fatigue, mental health issues, an inability to switch off and be present with your loved ones, sleep issues, stomach cramps, fatigue and/or low energy.

Remember, love starts within you for sustainable contribution for your communities and your team.

lack meaningful relationships due to aspirations and old patterns of distrust in others

For example: You smash out goals in your business but have noone to share in your celebrations, your passions and your mission.

You fall into default mode:

"I will do this myself because I want it done right."

"noone understands me including those closest to me"

"socialising just feels too much, another to do on my never-ending list."

"I'm too exhausted from work"

are flying off the handle regularly, notice old vices such as drinking to get away from it all creeping back into your routine, a sense of disconnection from your joy.

For example: after attending meetings, putting out spotfires and helping others you find yourself wanting to 'escape and reward yourself rather than with strategies that raise your vibe opting for the quick fix at the bottom of the bottle

A build up of high levels of stress throughout the day making even the smallest trigger set you off with verbal daggers of attack and bubbling rage and resentment

Drifting around with external validation for the achievements and the money but, are lacking a felt sense of joy, inability to access play or worse not feeling like you are enough.

This does not have to be your NORMAL.

You get to decide to invest in yourself so that you can generate high levels of impact within your organisation, your community, and the world.

To redirect your future and jump back into the drivers seat in your life then chat to learn how I can best support you via PM so you can flow into your divine feminine leadership with heightened intuitive perception, mental health, less stress amd more love.

The Escapee Club Meet Up - Guest Speaker Tracey Horton

Loved the budding connections that are growing in the networking event The Escapee Club Meet up and listening to Tracy Horton speak and share wisdom around business, support networks and authenticity.

It was a blessing to learn so many nuggets around sustainable business growth and we received a double blessing with her book plus, as we were connecting afterwards there was a rainbow cloud formation.

A sign to let me know that I was heading in the right direction, the Universe is always listening and with all the colours of the rainbow how can you not be hopeful about the future.

I loved sitting before the message that my soul is calling... I know and I am definitely listening

Thrive Talks - International Womens Day Inspiration

At Thrive Talks Brisbane - "Count Her In" - International Women's Day Event all Women speakers stepped up to address catalyst moments in their lives where the illusion of

- just getting by with comfortable

- having others validation

- the facade of the "perfect" life

- battling mental health issues, traumatic experiences and business mayhem

was no longer going to be their future story.

Each had unique twists and life affirming realisations that to be a women was to own the imperfections and take aligned actions with their own truth.

Beautiful to support the powerful Goddess Marie Ferguson from Awaecnian Academy

Unpopular opinion: why I am thrilled a client left the Evolve Now Pathway!!

She has been successfully, able to change her life with personalised support, released the old patterns keeping her stuck, stress management is , mental health is excellent, self belief is undeniable and trusting connection with source is an every day occurrence.

Life really does get better and better as you get real about owning what you want, becoming the person that has that and doing the steps without getting distracted by drama, past crap and fears.

There are key markers that you can understand to measure key transformational successes in my signature solutions.

So honoured to have witnessed the growth that saw her deeply loving herself, breaking away from survival modes to heal and trusting the intuitive intelligence enabling her to move in flow with her abundant soul.

There's a beautiful joyous expansion in my heart space knowing she has got this!!

This now, opens up space for you to enter the 6 month pathway to Evolve Now.

Free Masterclass Boundaries for Empowered Women in Business

Registration required

Dear Ambitious Women in Business and Working Professionals,

Are you ready to redefine success on your terms and reclaim your power in both your professional and personal life?

Join us for an exclusive FREE masterclass designed to equip you with the essential tools for recognising healthy boundaries and warning sighs that you need them.

In this dynamic one-hour session, you'll embark on a transformative journey guided by a trauma-informed mentor, where you'll discover:

Understanding Boundaries: Gain clarity on what boundaries truly are and why they are crucial for your well-being and success. Learn how to distinguish between different types of boundaries and explore how they manifest in various areas of your life.

Recognise Warning Signs: Uncover the subtle yet significant cues indicating when boundary setting is necessary.

Business Mums: Discover the next steps to work with me for healthy relationships and managing your life with balance.

Led by Erena, a seasoned wellbeing mentor with a trauma-informed approach, this masterclass promises to be an enlightening and empowering experience tailored specifically for women like you.

Date: 26 March 2024

Time: 630pm

Location: Online (Link will be provided upon registration)

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets to self-empowerment and success through boundary mastery.

Reserve your complimentary spot today and take the first step towards creating a life and career aligned with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Together, let's embrace the power of boundaries and cultivate a life of fulfillment, balance, and abundance.


What I learnt about Heartbreak, Failure and Disconnection in 2023

5 things I learnt from heartbreak, failure and disconnection in 2023

The year that pulled out our egos, shadows, karmic ties then casually said look at this and this and this -- slowly unfolding our flimsy constructed idealised perspectives and collapsed under the weight of awareness asked now, who will you be and what will you do?!

So, let me share the wisdom that I gathered through shattered dreams, episodes of paralysed will and many, many tears:

1. Always remember the sacredness of your soul and the medicine you are to provide in service for the highest good of all including YOU

2. You can still create empires through despair and heaviness with a shit ton of tools...but never ALONE will you rise up again with passion and purpose

3. Everyone has their own soul path and sovereignty so honour their freedom and as a soul helper do so with integrity (never PUT UP with abuse), call out BS and own your f*ck ups

4. Notice who is there to offer presence, support and guidance when you are a pile of gooey mess on the floor unsure if you can find the will to give a sh*+ any more and act on how you can love more wildly with them.

5. When you start asking yourself the question: What am I not seeing?

The answer is always your own power.

6. Detours, delays, and sabotage are invitations to deepen into your worth, your genius, and your leadership to navigate toward the highest projection for your life expression

Like, share or comment if you resonate.

#multidimensional #selflove #soul #traumahealing

#2023reflections #mindbodyspirit #traumarecovery #domesticfamilyviolence #dvsurvivor #domesticviolence

6 years of Love: Relationships after Trauma

Celebrating 6 years with my partner, Ezra on 22 December

My heart slowed down in recognition when I met you my love.

After our first meeting, we both decided to stay together...I remember we couldn't bear to part and ended up having a four day first date

Our slow burning desire has seen us grow together through many blessings, adventures and challenges.

I am so glad I sent a wish list to the Universe and received so much more than I had been hoping for.

May our love be blessed for many more moons to come.

P.s Thankful that I was able to open my heart after abusive relationships left me traumatised and hurt.

Always remember healing is possible.

client results: manifesting with me

This manifestation energetic session was so fun and inspiring!!

Manifestation energetic sessions will enable you to secure a clear intention of who you are to become and what aligned action to take without any of the residue fears, emotional gunk and self imposed restrictions holding you back.

It was a blast swimming around in the frequencies of divine purpose as my client steps deeper into her craft and starts to own her power, her teachings, and her calling.

"I just keep feeling the ease and flow of YES energy through my body."

"Allow me to experience more of life."

As the coach, I loved supporting her to let go of all the internal barriers and attachments that can encourage yucky exchanges and behaviours that limit growth and the manifestation from landing into reality.

You know the session has been a success when you hear "permission to honour me" and to "take the pressure off" of moving in my natural creative process to complete my programs and offers with support.

This may be exactly what you need to change the trajectory of your life to that of soul-alignment drop a and I will connect with you to make it so.

Met spirit with Authenticity

So good to complete my morning meditation in nature as agitated energy was running rife.

Lately, the electrical hum grates on me and I felt a yearning to connect with Mother Earth and let the light descent deep down to the core as the sun rays lighten me up.

Eventhough, I meditate frequently I definitely still have periods of mental distractions with errands, tasks, problems, and worries infiltrating the time and I bloody wish more would tell those incoming beginner meditators that this is perfect.

To allow all to come through without grasping onto them just to witness and release.

I moved, wriggled and adjusted myself five million times this morning and that is okay.

I would rather meet spirit with authenticity than pretend that I was any place other than now.

2023: the Uncomfortable Stretch

This year has stretched me into uncomfortable spaces and throughout that period I stood firmly beside authenticity, purpose and deep surrender to the greater good of all.

The darkest aspects of my personality sleeping close beside me as I navigated through activations of abandonment. Again and again learning to comfort all the rejected parts that felt unworthy of being.

There's no concise explanation to truly convey how I fumbled my way through this time other than I have sensed a bigger yearning of contribution and service that my soul recognises and converses with me: love who I am and the part I have to play in it all.

If you have ever found yourself lacking direction and not knowing why you are here these will help:

- move your body to release the mental entanglements and release stress (20 minutes of vigorous exercise will definitely help) I prefer walking in nature for longer periods to shake the bs out

- emotional clearing techniques have been a game changer for releasing unconscious blocks within and allowing me to move uninhibited from yuck beliefs, emotional unease and limited perspectives

- meditation to connect with your inner self (not the glossed over version for public consumption) the fears, the questions, the frustration and tears to bare all at least, 5 minutes of mask lifting daily. Yes to feel your feelings without seeking resolution.

P.s If you are new to meditation start with a calming soundtrack in the morning that you can sit with to help you do so

- brutal loving kindness and I put it like this on purpose for the business Mums that are constantly giving to others their care and compassion and neglecting their own needs then wondering how they burnt out. Loving kindness is extreme medicine that we all need more doses of moving forward.

- get support. There's the hard way which I did for years thinking I was making gains then the fast track as I gathered more resources, coaches, modalities and help that aligned with my personal and professional growth. Your success is not singular and when you open yourself to others and their genius you will go to depths within you and destinations you only dreamed possible.

There's a reason that I can sit with others in the darkness and allow the murky shadows to arise because I trust the process of full awareness that will reveal that all is one and the same.

That enlightenment is not found in someone else, in a coach, in a therapist, another country or environment; but always within you.

That level of trust is hard to find in a world that is constantly, flinging information toward you about being better, improving oneself and striving towards greatness.

I believe you are already here.

All the tools, coaching and strategies are about remembering who you are.

Let's navigate this transformative process together – a journey that transcends the noise of external expectations. Place a if you're ready to explore the depths within and re-discover the strength beckoning you home.

Manifest with me: Who are you becoming?

Manifestation energetic sessions will move you to secure a clear intention of who you are to become and what aligned action to take without any of the residue fears, emotional gunk and self imposed restrictions holding you back.

This morning, swimming around in the frequencies of divine purpose as my client steps deeper into her craft and starts to own her power, her teachings, and her calling.

There was a lot of magic zipping through the screens and making the technology go haywire with the exploding anticipation of changing patterns and deciding to disrupt the energy flow to reorganise around the creation.

"I just keep feeling the ease and flow of YES energy through my body."

"Allow me to experience more of life."

As the coach, I loved supporting her to let go of all the internal barriers and attachments that can encourage yucky exchanges and behaviours that limit growth and the manifestation from landing into reality.

You know the session has been a success when you hear "permission to honour me" and to "take the pressure off" of moving in my natural creative process to complete my programs and offers with support.

This may be exactly what you need to change the trajectory of your life to that of soul-alignment drop a and I will connect with you to make it so.

Ready to leap into vitality?

Let me guess, self guided healing has taken you so far but now, you are ready to activate the medicine within you to pave your way forward in leaps and bounds.

That's the paradox of self-healing from traumatic events you need others to heal, to support you, so you can learn to live life with vitality and purpose.

All the professional women that walk into my trauma recovery service understand that they are stuck in repetitive patterns of getting by, awaiting the next disaster and their mental health has hit their self esteem.

Majority of the time, it appears to all around them that they are high functioning, working effectively, managing okay BUT not many are aware that they are struggling with overwhelm, traumatic flashbacks, insecurities and having difficulties creating intimate connections with partners, family or even leaving their house.

On-top of that they are constantly helping others at the detriment of their own needs.

Longing for the weekend after working "busily" then hiding away from people outside of work because your anxiety is through the freaking roof.

Dealing with panic attacks + stress manifesting in dis-ease, recurring physical illness, stomach upsets, aches and pains, overwhelming anxiety, mental fog, and all the emotional turmoil is bloody hard work...almost like having another full time job

But it doesn't need to be that way.

Learning to recognise what is happening within you will make you realise how frequently, survival stress is switching you offline and driving your life -- dictating the chemical rush and the physiological responses to perceived danger CONSTANTLY.

Staying as you are creates repetitive patterns of misery.

Don't be like the old me and stay in pain, hurt and yuckiness.

I can help you.

If you are consumed with the past, and are living with overwhelm then know that healing is possible, tools can be implemented and you can lead your way to wellness with empowering support.

Now, is the time to take action click below

TESTIMONIAL - Relationship Chakra Energetic Sessions

The relationship chakra clearing sessions delve into your unconscious emotional landscape and clear this at each chakra through your intentional release with empowering touch.

You can experience loving awareness from soul wisdom, information from within to address unresolved trauma, compassion for self, others, acceptance of them, appreciation for who they are and space for resolution, insights into patterns and even new relationships to thrive.

I am so grateful for feedback from clients about their healing sessions with me as each is highly personal, unique and special especially, as I work with business women that juggle many hats.

Thank you Rebecca

Perfect timing!!

If you are interested in the Relationship chakra clearing sessions head on over to my profile and click through to Energy Healing sessions to book in.

Fawning will keep you comfortable

For the businesswomen that has been camouflaging her spiritual truth, tip toeing around in the background playing with energy, and is on a journey to stop letting the fear of being seen "differently" hold you back any more - I applaud you.

I get it.

The journey to shed the masks and layers of facades to blend into societal norms has definitely been experienced by this modern witch.

There's a very real fear of being outcast and tossed aside by previous clients, family, acquaintances, friends and connections in business.

But now, there's a larger fear of not being true to you, not putting up with false pretences that everything is okay, not feeling as though you can breathe, speak or move properly in that box hiding you away and successfully, suffocating your full presence.

Did you know the fawn response involves placating others?

Fawning involves merging and abandoning your own desires, innate knowledge, emotions, sensations, and needs to accommodate others.

This is not a BAD and NAUGHTY response.

Fawning has definitely helped me get out of being killed, hurt and harmed in emergency situations related to domestic violence and childhood trauma.

I understand the need to camouflage and the necessity to hide in plain clothing.

How else would the child I once was going to be fed, cared for and protected from the other dangers around me without shutting up and keeping quiet at home?

How else could I de-escalate the situation so the overpowering man that was raging with intent to kill me would calm down?

How else could this magical being have the ability to operate in workplaces, income factories, or corporate organisations?

But in the same breath, fawning will keep you comfortable, generate dis-ease, and will limit your growth because you are stuck in repeat -- on an everlasting incomplete loop of survival patterns that are no longer needed in the NOW.

Are you ready to stop assimilating so that you can emerge from the passenger seat in your life?

Want to start moving freely, with the rhythm of your souls rather than staying small as the good girl?

I got you.

Action is required so don't sit still any longer drop a in the comments or direct message me.

In my sessions, you will be guided back to your soul wisdom, supported to strip away old traumatic crap and you will get the confidence to set and affirm your boundaries like a powerhouse businesswomen.

4 steps for Business Mums to move from Trauma to Presence

4 step showcase of how I help Business Mums to embody their Soulful Boss Mama identity

1. Start with your vision/ideal as the business woman you are to become include working hours and monetary containers for a healthy nervous system, qualities and values, desired outcomes = your version of success

2. Reprioritise your self care (including emotional clearing to release energetic crap, reframing erroneous beliefs, stress relief) so that you can take the actions necessary to enact change and co-create

3. Take aligned actions with your future self

4. Get accountability to embody your soulful Boss Mama identity

It's that simple and everything you think you can't do is a distraction preventing you from contributing to your highest potential in the co-creation of your life. Let's be REAL if you mentally or physically can not do it -- it's because there is someone, something or some way to gather, make or source that support to continue to build your life by design.

Not looking for everyone to join me.

Seeking the Business Mum that has endured the hard from DV, childhood trauma or workplace bullying and is ready to be present with their family, balance their lifestyle and commit to healthy relationships -- starting with themselves.

So if this is you and you are ready to learn about caring for self by releasing traumatic energy, creating boundaries and focusing on business development while creating enjoyable quality family memories then chat with me