Spoiler Alert: This happens frequently on your Spiritual Journey...

Okay ladies, sit down and grab a cuppa with me so we can chat about changes...

There's an extremely awkward stage of growth that happens as you upgrade and recalibrate from awakenings/transformations/rebirths and I'm knee deep in it.

Sloshing around in all the emotions as I feel my way to a new version of me.

Disorienting my sense of safety, questioning what is okay and generally, just wanting to apologise for being this "uncomfortable" person in the throes of change.

You know, when all that exertion and fighting to free your wings is taking place before you can fly with power.

Spoiler alert

These take place quite frequently on the spiritual journey when you travel along your path and start to bring awareness to that which is keeping you stuck in ways that no longer serve you.

There's four key ways in which I flop around in the strange in-between stages that will help you too.

1. Take breaks from Social media. The noise of information and feedback can drown out the inner voice. This is the guidance that will build trust in your capacity to grow through any challenge in life.

2. Lean into intimacy and connection with your loved ones, family, friends, animal companions and mentors. We can create reference points to anchor in on your grid as you twist and turn in this necessary stage of change.

3. Don't lean into the easy and convenient route of the false self. The one that masquerades and performs for others to guard your heart. It is through the heart that you will blossom quickly as you connect and share with authentic expression.

4. Learn more about yourself through mentors, guides and leaders that can take you through self-explorative practices and creates space for you to deepen into who you are.

If you are seeking guidance to your soul wisdom that's how I help professional women. Specifically, to learn to listen to your inner voice by getting rid of old survival modes, discovering more about loving all parts of you with radical acceptance and having a laugh along the way.