Abusive Relationships BE GONE!!

Successfully, left abusive relationships to learn more about loving ME!!

Celebrating that 10 years ago I left the first of a few toxic relationships.

It took me a few turns before I remembered that:

I am the director of my life.

I am the hero of my journey.

I am the leader in this wild adventure called life.

This morning, in my meditation my life force energy was an unrelenting waterfall cascading down within me. All the energy was pooling in the base of my womb space.

You know these last few days, I have been off kilter constantly calling parts of my soul back into my being. Noticing that the fear of past interactions had shoo-ed them away to keep these old survival patterns running in the background.

If you have experienced the power plays and reaching energetic grasp as someone attempts to control, dictate and manipulate you to get their own way and what they want; you will understand there are different ways you have reacted to this threat.

Your heart tries to flee noticing the exits, and planning out each escape route. Coward.

Your heart gets spiky and you actively put up shields to "prevent" any dominance from impacting on your essence - attack first, think later. Aggro-beast.

Your heart has had enough and needs a break so you switch it off. Left my body, nothing can harm me. No-body.

Your heart just wants peace so you cave in on what you truly feel, want and need for safety. You fold. Shameful acquiescence. Pitiful.

I love all the ways my heart twists and shapes itself because I bought me, right here and now.

Waterfalls of courage, unstoppable, flowing strength without fear of falling deeper into ME.

Moving through all the murky aspects of self and connecting with the power of my soul reminds me of the purpose that I create from within.

If you resonate with my story and you know that you are ready to deeply love the person staring back at you in the mirror, learn healthy strategies to transform pain into purpose, and move away from fear to empowerment then I can guide you to do so.

Passionate about supporting you to self-heal, to transform, to succeed and bravely show your full heart again. It's time.

Chat with me.