Benefits of Inner Child Healing

Have you been interested in inner child healing for trauma recovery and to self heal?

Find out the benefits of connecting and amplifying the energies of the inner child for personal growth by clicking on button below

Inner Child Healing is one aspect of my signature solution that supports professional women to release traumatic energies, reduce stress and heighten their intuitive perception in 180 days without anxiety, low self esteem, lack of self care, trauma and grief holding you back from embracing joy and making soul-aligned decisions to lead your life.

You can find out more by jumping over here

Healing is possible.

#traumarecovery #holistichealth #traumahealing #selflove #innerchild #innermother #energyhealing #positivevibrations #brisbaneworkshops #womeninbusiness #womenwithptsd #childhoodtrauma #selfheal #abusesucks #mumsinbusiness

Speaker: ELEV8 Podcast

I have just finished speaking on ELEV8 podcast about my Spiritual journey and Trauma recovery and I feel excited and lit up sharing the medicine that courses through me!

Will let you know when it is released

Money Affirmations

Money loves me

When I was walking to watch the sunrise these two coins were glittering on the path in front of me like two suns -- that's how dark it was!!

There's alot of scarcity travelling around at the moment so ensure you invite money into your life!!

Here's some money affirmations:

Money loves me

Abundance is everywhere

I love money

“I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe. Thank you, Life.” - Louise Hay

The Universe is my sugar daddy

I am a money magnet

Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.

Today is a good day for money to find me and land in my bank accounts


I support others in becoming prosperous, and in turn, life supports me in miraculous ways.

The money that comes to me is a PLEASURE to have; I am grateful to spend some, save some and gift some.

I pay my bills with love. I rejoice as I hit pay now. Abundance flows freely through me.

I allow prosperity to enter my life in larger quantities because it exists everywhere.

I radiate success and money follows in my wake.


If you want to create your own silver lining with affirmations grab my 6 step e-course in bio or here:

Top 3 values that women desire in Lantern Holistics

Keeping it Simple and Sweet

  1. Sovereignty - Being authentic and owning that you are the leader of your life, embracing the light and shadow attributes, no longer blaming others, and honouring your spiritual connection to claim your inner authority.

  2. Freedom - Freedom to be who we are, do what we know is right and freedom from oppressive constructs.

  3. Authentic Expression - expressing your beliefs, thoughts and feelings honestly and staying true to yourself

Client celebration: Authentic Business Creation

Celebrating the Lioness in the Authentic Business Creation pathway that had a lightbulb moment in our first session: to receive we must make space for our clients to arrive into our lives; they can sense you value their energy!!

In a week turnaround this has seen her consistently show up for her passionate service, create space to RECEIVE clients, embrace money pathways and now, has a qualified hot lead after THREE days of inviting ideal clients to work with her!!

This is divine feminine magnetism at it's finest.

No longer wondering how to grow and build from scratch BUT marinating in your juicy value, sharing with intention and authenticity so that those that resonate can find you sooner with my individualised support to focus on your magic and vibrational attunement!!

Loving the excitement of this new pathway to help passionate business mums, budding entrepreneurs, healers, with incredible modalities and expertise learn how to share with vibrancy, focus and build trust in self.

If you are interested in expressing your magic with heart AND to do so aligned with your purpose hit me up in DMs to chat -- business is liberating!!

Are you seeking validation and completion in others?? Relationships

I don't know many people that have endured (wink) and cherished a long lasting relationship without first, valuing themselves and expressing this with love.

Not sure about you ladies, but I fall into this habit of seeking validation and completion in others whether that be in intimate relationships, partnerships, family members, colleagues, followers and clients.

I know shockingly true?!

It's been gnawing at me recently, that this is a yucky pattern that builds unrealistic expectations around how others can relate to me, what they should say and how they could act if they just knew ...(include everything in my head), wouldn't it be better this way?!

The coulda, woulda, shoulda BS.

Sure, we can delve in and explore how abandonment wounds and exclusion from feminine packs can lay a challenging foundation to peel away from the heart but this moreso, is speaking into how to move into healthier patterns for connection, focus and spiritual guidance.

It's easy to fall into the blame game...not immune to that

It's easy to find fault in others especially, if they prod at your values, step close to your boundaries and destabilise your beliefs.

It's easy to slip into discord with a slew of imagined future scenarios that excludes what is.

I went LIVE in my group this morning with 3 key ways to focus on healthy relationships and what you can do to understand your values, wants and actions to bring your co-creations into fruition.

If you are a women on her spiritual journey then you are welcome to join my group link in comments or just pm me.

Feedback: Authentic Business Creation Pathway

I love when Business Mums say YES!! Now, they can be guided to spark their magic, magnetise their ideal clients and get paid for their gifts.

Loving this new pathway the vibe is high and we've only just begun!!

This is the Authentic Business Creation Pathway that supports Budding Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Healers and Business Mums to express their offers, magnetise their ideal clients and make money.

#spiritualentrepreneurs #businesswomenowners #businessmums #divinefeminine

How Trauma Impacts on Your Ability to Dream BIG...

Are you dreaming big? Aligning with your highest timeline?

Last night, I was so excited about an upcoming vision for high quality support and care moulding into shape with the right people, right resources, this powerful portal and the right ME that I hardly slept a wink.

But, real talk.

It has taken many different coaches, years of stripping away limitations, permission giving, a fountain of healing, creating space to allow dreams to weave with the divine purpose nestled in my heart to recognise that it is safe for me to dream BIG.

I used to internally cringe when I heard someone say follow your dreams.

You know, that's bloody challenging if you are traumatised, depressed and overwhelmed.

Dreaming feels foreign

Hoping is about "getting through today"

Aspirations are for others

Everything feels ridiculously out of reach.

I get you.

It all feels too bloody hard.

On-top of that you are constantly helping others at the detriment of your own needs.

Longing for the weekend after working in an unfulfilling job then hiding away from people outside of work because your anxiety is through the freaking roof.

Dealing with panic attacks + stress manifesting in dis-ease, recurring physical illness, stomach upsets, aches and pains, overwhelming anxiety, mental fog, and all the emotional turmoil is bloody hard work...almost like having another full time job

It takes up alot of your energy to just survive.

It leaves you with less money from the days off work to recover your body health.

But it doesn't need to be that way.

You can change your life.

Healing is possible.

Hope is allowed.

Learning to recognise what is happening within you will make you realise how frequently, survival stress is switching you offline and driving your life -- dictating the chemical rush and the physiological responses to perceived danger CONSTANTLY.

Staying as you are creates repetitive patterns of misery.

Don't be like the old me and stay in pain, hurt and yuckiness.

If you are ready to make a change I can help you.