Are you seeking validation and completion in others?? Relationships

I don't know many people that have endured (wink) and cherished a long lasting relationship without first, valuing themselves and expressing this with love.

Not sure about you ladies, but I fall into this habit of seeking validation and completion in others whether that be in intimate relationships, partnerships, family members, colleagues, followers and clients.

I know shockingly true?!

It's been gnawing at me recently, that this is a yucky pattern that builds unrealistic expectations around how others can relate to me, what they should say and how they could act if they just knew ...(include everything in my head), wouldn't it be better this way?!

The coulda, woulda, shoulda BS.

Sure, we can delve in and explore how abandonment wounds and exclusion from feminine packs can lay a challenging foundation to peel away from the heart but this moreso, is speaking into how to move into healthier patterns for connection, focus and spiritual guidance.

It's easy to fall into the blame game...not immune to that

It's easy to find fault in others especially, if they prod at your values, step close to your boundaries and destabilise your beliefs.

It's easy to slip into discord with a slew of imagined future scenarios that excludes what is.

I went LIVE in my group this morning with 3 key ways to focus on healthy relationships and what you can do to understand your values, wants and actions to bring your co-creations into fruition.

If you are a women on her spiritual journey then you are welcome to join my group link in comments or just pm me.