How Trauma Impacts on Your Ability to Dream BIG...

Are you dreaming big? Aligning with your highest timeline?

Last night, I was so excited about an upcoming vision for high quality support and care moulding into shape with the right people, right resources, this powerful portal and the right ME that I hardly slept a wink.

But, real talk.

It has taken many different coaches, years of stripping away limitations, permission giving, a fountain of healing, creating space to allow dreams to weave with the divine purpose nestled in my heart to recognise that it is safe for me to dream BIG.

I used to internally cringe when I heard someone say follow your dreams.

You know, that's bloody challenging if you are traumatised, depressed and overwhelmed.

Dreaming feels foreign

Hoping is about "getting through today"

Aspirations are for others

Everything feels ridiculously out of reach.

I get you.

It all feels too bloody hard.

On-top of that you are constantly helping others at the detriment of your own needs.

Longing for the weekend after working in an unfulfilling job then hiding away from people outside of work because your anxiety is through the freaking roof.

Dealing with panic attacks + stress manifesting in dis-ease, recurring physical illness, stomach upsets, aches and pains, overwhelming anxiety, mental fog, and all the emotional turmoil is bloody hard work...almost like having another full time job

It takes up alot of your energy to just survive.

It leaves you with less money from the days off work to recover your body health.

But it doesn't need to be that way.

You can change your life.

Healing is possible.

Hope is allowed.

Learning to recognise what is happening within you will make you realise how frequently, survival stress is switching you offline and driving your life -- dictating the chemical rush and the physiological responses to perceived danger CONSTANTLY.

Staying as you are creates repetitive patterns of misery.

Don't be like the old me and stay in pain, hurt and yuckiness.

If you are ready to make a change I can help you.