Clients choose me because...

Why do my clients choose me ....

Many of the Spiritual professional women that access my services understand that the past is impacting on their ability to truly connect and engage with life, with their intuitive senses and with their relationship with self and others.

They are overwhelmed emotionally and stressed from constant triggers setting off alarm bells -- it's exhausting all parts of their being and they know SOMETHING needs to change.

All are in a transitional stage: upleveling in their business, starting a business, moving house, preparing for a baby, divorcing or about to, beginning a new relationship, moving country and so on.

They choose me because I welcome them in without judgement.

They relate to my lived experiences of traumatic events AND to my spiritual journey that lovingly nudged me to prioritise listening to my inner voice and taking soul-aligned action rather than feeling disempowered from talk therapy, the general pathway for mental health support, the medications that were prescribed and a lack of awareness around alternative services.

I was told multiple times by multiple psychiatrists, doctors, and psychologists that I would be on medication for the rest of my life to support my mental health.

Now, I have a holistic approach to living life well and am opening up the windows for more joy, health, wealth and well-being.

When they decide to commit to a long-term healing pathway, changes in wealth, health and relationships rapidly improve.

We work together to clarify their ultimate aspirations then I support them with tools and strategies to transform their lives -- I place a lot of emphasis on providing support that they can utilise outside of sessions with me.

I do not encourage dependency.

Here's what clients say about the Evolve Now Signature Solution:

I am...‘finding a place for everything, thinking more peacefully rather than 10 things at a time.”

“I notice that my jaw is tense and am able to quickly tell that my body is stressed, it is helping me to chill more during the day”

I am “finding appropriate ways of handling emotions and not freaking out, lashing out and becoming overwhelmed.”

“Identifying emotions and stress and having tools to regulate.”

”Able to focus on the task at hand and complete them rather than having all the thoughts racing around.”

“…taking time out daily for meditation and rituals, having boundaries and enforcing them and knowing it's completely ok to say no or put myself first.”

I am truly blessed to help Spiritual professional woman reduce stress, release traumatic energy and heighten their intuitive perception in 180 days without anxiety, grief, trauma stopping them from leading with their soulful truth and being happy.

If you are interested in my signature solution then click below