Neglecting your Health check this out...

Make a decision for your wellbeing before your body makes the choice for you.

After a few follow ups over the past couple of weeks, professional women that have delayed and not prioritised their health have:
- had to take significant time off work due to physical dis-ease plus, mental health reasons and have not been able to make money
- ended up in the psychiatric unit from complete mental breakdown
- have continued to cycle through illnesses due to pent up stress in the body causing pain
- relationship breakdowns
- continue to have difficulties leaving their house outside of work hours
- using substances to cover their pain and aid sleep
- not hitting their business aspirations with lack of focus and accountability
- are struggling with rage, outbursts and their explosions over minor irritations
- Continually TRIGGERED without any healthy strategies to integrate healing

To make it crystal clear:
Loss of income
Mental illness
Physical illness
No healthy relationships
Low self esteem
Emotional overwhelm
Traumatised living
Substance abuse

Often, I am focused on the positive results that I have with my clients BUT it's been coming up again and again in the follow ups and needs to be highlighted to form balanced understanding.

Your health is true wealth. It will enable you to engage and enjoy riches, relationships and wellness.

If you are a professional women that is struggling with your mental health, low self esteem and sabotaging your relationships especially, with yourself YOU need to get support so that you can live life well.

I can help you.

Decide to commit to a healing pathway and your health and relationships rapidly improve.

In the Evolve Now Signature Solution we work together to clarify your ultimate aspirations then I support you with tools and strategies to transform your life -- I place a lot of emphasis on providing support that you can utilise outside of sessions with me.

I do not encourage dependency.

Book in now for a discovery chat via pm before eofy as prices will increase for business sustainability.


Here's what clients say about the Evolve Now Signature Solution:

I am...‘finding a place for everything, thinking more peacefully rather than 10 things at a time.”

“I notice that my jaw is tense and am able to quickly tell that my body is stressed, it is helping me to chill more during the day”

I am “finding appropriate ways of handling emotions and not freaking out, lashing out and becoming overwhelmed.”

“Identifying emotions and stress and having tools to regulate.”

”Able to focus on the task at hand and complete them rather than having all the thoughts racing around.”

“…taking time out daily for meditation and rituals, having boundaries and enforcing them and knowing it's completely ok to say no or put myself first.”