Calling out b*ll$h** on having the complete plan!!

Taking up space with your full presence starts off with inspiration and noticing others, an appeal that you'd like to do that too then aggressively throwing off layers of judgement, expectations, and shadowy fears to finally, move into uncertainty, uncomfortability and reaching into your soulful expression so YOU can share the value you have.

Never one to do these in halves
I add colour.
I add frequencies.
I add messiness.
I add variety.
I add dashes of uncertainty.
I add flavours of truth.
I add insecurities.
I add details.
I add contrast.

You know, many are sitting back wondering how do I...

start a business,
stop listening to the naysayers,
get confidence,
have great self esteem,
get better results,
have great mental health,
leave my comfort zone,
feel motivated,
move with the inner spring of wisdom,
sway with rhythm of life,
get out of this relationship,
find intimacy with my partner,
earn more money doing what I love
change ugly behaviour patterns
and so on and so on.

WITHOUT doing anything, trying for years to do it on their own, looping around in dis-ease, or continually on self-destruct mode.

I call bulls%^t on having the complete plan, detailed instructions, mapping it all out perfectly so that everything goes your way and trying to do it ALL on your own.

The cold truth is:
there will be detours
there will be sabotage
there will be escapes and avenues to hide some or all of you
there will be periods that eat you up from the inside out, fuelling your actions with rage and jealousy
there will be moments that you freeze up, forget sh** that you've researched 5 million times and know like the back of your hand...

Plus, all the rainbows and lollipops found on the highlight photos on socials.

Getting support will accelerate your growth.
Getting the RIGHT support will catapult you to places you only dreamed about.
Getting support will help you reduce the f*^Kary that is your Egoic voices.
Getting support will release your grip on attempting to control all areas of your life.
Getting support will alleviate the pressure you have placed on yourself.
Getting support will create more ease and joy in your life.

Here I am taking up space sharing what I love in every way that lights me up.

Naturally, to generate and build others up through the aliveness of my energy, the medicine that burns with feverish passion, and my feminine body.

Still learning, soaking it up, getting coached, training behind-the-scenes, building another business, loving on my family, leaning into intimacy, and being true to ME.

I gave myself permission to succeed by taking up space

Are you interested in developing ways to show up for your divine purpose? Get support by sending me a PM

P.s that's all the crappy laundry in the background because it's definitely in my life as I show up