Holistic Health Mentor and Trauma Healing Advocate: I walk the talk

Proud to be a Holistic Health Mentor and Trauma Healing Advocate that exudes vibrancy and WALKS THE TALK!!

You won't see toxic spiritual bypassing or toxic positivity to enable crappy behaviours and loose responsibility for the way life pans out.

A key aspect of my signature solutions that are helping businesswomen to move from traumatised to purposeful living, is energetic responsibility.

When you prioritise the investment of your energy into your health ALL areas of your life will naturally attract good experiences, good vibrations, good feelings, and goodwill.

Reduction of stress is paramount and the techniques that are provided will result in presence, mental clarity and awareness of the tension in your body looping with survival modes as you implement them.

Trauma is an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope.

Trauma is not a specific event it is an inner experience that impacts on people in various ways after stressful stimuli (intensity and duration are major factors for the impact this has on the individual)

Traumatic energy has stopped flowing with a power giving continuance of life.

Learn to cultivate vibrancy and health by jumping on a free chat about the Evolve Now pathway to your Highest Calling. PM me or link below to discover how it will work for you.

Healing is possible!!