Authentic Business Community: For Emerging Entrepreneurs that are thinking about quitting

I have been receiving many message from start up businesswomen owners that have highlighted how challenging, hard, lonely they are finding the entrepreneurial journey and whether it's just time to give up!!

These women are highly skilled, sensitive, have specific programs or products in place or are refining their magical offer -- all provide incredible value, are ambitious, have moved away from unfulfilling positions or are working part time so that they can follow their passion in alignment with their heart.

However, it's challenging out there when no-one understands your vision, your motivation to deeply serve others with genuine and ethical business services and products.

I'm opening up a 3 month group container for any businesswoman that wants to join a specific coaching package that is designed around authentic expression, divine feminine energetic magnetism and making money!!

With transparency, this was designed for 1:1 BUT my heart opened more today for community support, inspiring exchanges and giving back.

Weekly lives for online group support in FB group

(Thursday 930am to 1030am) AEST

Yes, group calls are structured around specific themes of the Authentic Business Creation pathway

Replays will stay in the group

Mental health and Energetic clearing paid options available for 1:1

Access available ongoing

Starts November 2nd

You will contribute to a supportive community, that celebrates all the wins, allow yourself to cheer on and be praised, that actively, shares content that are VALUABLE resources that you have used yourself or to offer your services for truthful testimonials, to practise and at discounted exchanges, share your experiences without disclosing key client information.

Price is $1k for 3 months

Around $333 monthly

Or $84 p/week

Yes, you can stretch out the payments I am very flexible and understand that starting is challenging and that's why I created an affordable group offer.

I will chuck in my 45min self worth for entrepreneurs masterclass that highlights specific strategies to support calm confidence + the empowerment meditation to take the next step in your business with centred-ness usually, $200 worth (without 1:1)

If you resonate with the values listed above and have ticked all the ways you will contribute to this sacred space then send me a message or comment below and I will send you the pathway to look over, you are welcome to discuss payment schedule or if you are ready to join immediately click link below