Spiritual Entrepreneur CLIENT RESULTS 3 month coaching pathway

"When I saw your program it ticked all the boxes. Oh yeah!! It met the needs...of where I am at in my business, my dreams to where I want to be."

We just completed the review of the 3 month journey through the Authentic Business Creation pathway and I can confidently say, Bec is walking out of here as a powerhouse Business Mama.

I learnt about the ridiculous value she brings into the world and am so looking forward to seeing her vision transformed into reality.

Successful Highlights

"I have triple awareness of Energy levels from the Statement Energetic Sessions they opened up more power through Reiki, ideas and inspiration in meditations and messages increased from Spiritual guides through awakening - this has developed so I am hearing them."

Creates high value business posts with aligned messaging 5 to 6 times per week compared to once or twice with minimal input and outsourcing these attraction tasks.

From intuitive nudges to increased inspiration flooding through with business ideas, workshops, offers and so on.

From heightened anxiety around money to falling back into certainty that money is on its way.

From lack of self belief to affirming her value, her medicine, her business with others

From hating social media to valuing it for business as a tool

Increased exposure, increased FB group members, increased followers that are IDEAL clients, increased interest from incoming clients, increased leads

Balancing her family commitments and values with growing business by working 15 hours max

"I feel like an authority...I have confidence sharing my expertise."

Blessed to have had so much fun journeying through this pathway together and looking forward to watching you blossom

This pathway is designed around authentic expression, divine feminine energetic magnetism and making money!!

I will be starting an online community for emerging business women that want support to have the confidence to share their medicine to others, value their offers and support one another through connection - yes, divine feminine business -- next week is a new adventure for me too!!