No short term fixes please - trauma recovery

Why I do not recommend short term fixes for long term healing results.

Have you found yourself hot with an intensive "love bomb" after a circle, workshop or retreat...floating around for a couple of days afterwards with your new awareness then had the bitter taste of the dark night of the soul, life patterns continuing to bog you down, "noone gets me", traumatic experiences smacking you in the face, big overhauls that have you on your knees....

That's because you didn't have dedicated individualised support to guide you to take care of all the parts of you!!

There's a specific reason that I allow taste testing in circles and workshops to allow women to have recognition on a soul level to take the next step with me into dedicated support to evolve.

- if you resonate with a teaching, learning or wisdom expressed by the other it's because you are devouring their energy and wanting MORE.

Don't fall victim to information overload BE intentional about what you opt in for growth and development.

- free group available for spiritual professional women

- book in a breakthrough session if you require clarity on what you truly want

- come for a chat with me in a discovery call about the pathway to your highest calling to evolve into soulful leadership

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